Brooke Klimek iOS and Unity3D Developer

My Experience

I have experience in game development, iOS development, and developing for virtual/augmented reality. I have been able to fit a significant variety of experience in a short amount of time working with Unity3D, as well as Xcode and Apple Performance Tools. Through my recent contract work I have experience collaborating with many different teams, using multiple variations of source control. This has proven my ability to work under pressure, to quickly complete deliverables, and to debug within short turn-around times. I expanded my skill set in the Spring when I graduated Grand Circus’s Unity3D AR/VR course. I’m extremely passionate about the future of technology and continue to expand my skill set every day. Currently I’m honing my skills in 3D modeling, while also accepting development projects on contract until I find the best fit for full-time employment.


unity logo xcode logo blender logo

I work with Unity3D and Xcode daily. I'm comfortable in Blender to create simple assets or "programmer art”.


I use Swift to develop iOS apps. I script for Unity in C#, and I used HTML5 while making this website.


I have practical experience using Git and GitHub to collaborate on projects. I use Visual Studio as my code editor.

Featured Projects

iOS Projects

iOS Projects

  • Swift

Here are just a few of the iOS projects I’ve worked on, some to test functionality others as passion projects/learning purposes. One uses WatchKit and an interactive color wheel on the iPhone that changes what's being drawn on the Apple Watch. Another parses data from an API to quickly see what Bitcoin converts to in different currencies. Additionally, a Weather App copycat and an app that randomly generates players with a rating system.

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AR Cosmos

AR Cosmos

  • Unity3D, Augmented Reality, Vuforia, iOS

This was my final project in my Unity3D VR/AR bootcamp at Grand Circus. My partner and I utilized augmented reality to bring the book “Cosmos” by Carl Sagan to life. For the proof of concept we created six different scenes and image targets. Each scene helped the user better visualize and interact with a concept in the book. We presented this app at Demo Day the end of March, 2018.

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Augmented Reality Tower Defense Game

AR Tower Defense

  • Unity3D, Vuforia, iOS, Augmented Reality

This game uses augmented reality and playing cards as image targets to trigger different events. The tower defends itself by calculating the closest enemy in range to shoot. The goblins and trolls are generated every ‘x’ number of seconds. A “hero” card summons the protector, aka the dragon. The game is over if 10 or more enemies enter the tower. This proof of concept can be expanded to create a tabletop tower defense game.

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Help Hank Home Mobile Game

Help Hank Home

  • Unity3D, iOS

A kid friendly endless runner game optimized for iOS was the concept for this midterm project. Hank must make it home before morning. The user can tap, tilt, and swipe to control Hank. Different items give the player points or power-ups. We used procedural generation for the levels and placements of the collectibles. My project partner and I had five days to work on this project. Now we are working on the final touches to submit it to the App Store!

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Virtual Reality FPS

  • Unity3D, VRTK, HTC Vive, Virtual Reality

In this virtual reality first person shooter the player receives points for killing enemies before running out of health. Different enemies are worth more or less points. Dust storms are randomly generated throughout the world. Drones attack if the player is within a certain distance. Nav mesh agents are used inside the temple. Both guns have different power levels, shot types, and reload times. The objective of the game is to get into the center of the temple and to collect as many points as possible without dying.

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Platformer 2D Game

AstroG Platformer

  • Unity3D, iOS

The 2D astronaut starts the first level in Detroit as Grand Circus’s mascot Grant Chirpus. Grant makes his way to a portal that launches him into space. Each level gets increasingly more difficult until he reaches level 5 and must face the boss. This game is optimized for mobile. Tilting moves AstroG left or right and tapping makes him jump.

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